You Are Who You Follow
two thoughts, before we get to the Top 10:
1/ I’m totally blushing (you know, if brown men could blush). Felt great to be complimented by association with those other folks.
2/ If you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with…and I spend a ton of time on twitter…then perhaps I am the average of the 10 people I follow the most on twitter?!
Without further ado — here’s my Top 10 Follows on Twitter. Also known as the twitter-starter-pack for any up and coming entrepreneur.
#10 — @jason
passionate as hell about startups. Unafraid to make bold predictions or pick a fight. Plus, the occasional tweet about the miserable life as a Knicks fan.
#9 — @dcurtis
excellent product design critiques + self aware. Also has one of the best twitter icon’s in the game.
#8 — @hunterwalk
what if I told you there was a VC with a sense of humor, an a penchant for over-transparency…would that be something you’re interested in?
#7 @StartupLJackson
the valley’s favorite parody account, always keeps it 100.
#6 @dannycrichton
our first surprise in the top 10. Most insightful member of tech media (imo). Provides analysis, not just funding announcements or media-spin
#5 @benedictevans
career growth hack. Read 3 benedict evans tweets per week. Repeat said tweets verbatim to others. Look smart. Rinse & repeat.
#4 @rrhoover
here’s the scouting report on the startup whisperer.
- next-level use of GIFs and Emoji
- connects with makers on twitter not based on their influence (klout), but because they made something cool (merit)
- suspected of being a bot due to insane twitter speed/activity.
#3 @OurielOhayon
A dark-horse in the top 10. He’s a one-man app store vigilante. He’s usually the first to spot trending apps & fishy behavior in the app store. Some people think he’s too negative, but I dig it
#2 @pmarca
A he spends most of his day around the smartest, most ambitious people in the world. Naturally, his tweets are above-average. His bio must now include creating the first modern internet browser…and Tweetstorms.
#1 @levie
If David letterman also founded a multi-billion dollar enterprise software company, he would be @levie. If I ever give a commencement speech at a college, it will be a collection of my favorite Aaron Levie tweets.
If you’re too lazy to follow all of them, just follow me @shaanvp and I’ll re-tweet them regularly ☺