A shiny new button for Blab

Shaan Puri
Blab Daily Digest
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2016


*New feature alert*

This yellow button lets you share awesome moments from Blab to your friends on Facebook & Twitter.

Why did we build it?

  1. There are amazing moments in live video. You don’t plan for them, they just happen.
  2. Your FB friends & Twitter followers will watch a 30s highlight in their feed, instead of clicking a link to a long replay.

We’ve been testing it out on Team Blab for the past few weeks…Here’s what we saw:

Brittany gets serenaded by a long lost Backstreet Boy.

Martin Shkreli’s reaction to the Ghost Face Killah Video

Amin El Hassan from ESPN walking off the TV set & telling us about how much Bulls fans hate him

You get the idea.

Cool things happen.

When they do, you hit the yellow button.

It lets you share out the last 30 seconds of video you just saw.

As always, we’re listening. Reply to this blog post with your take:

a) Highlights = Major Win

b) Meh, it’s OK.

c) Boo. It sucks

Along with any feedback about how we can make it better!

**The Fine Print

this feature is being tested out, and may not be available in all streams

